Why PUCKidz
My name is Keith Quigley, I am the Executive Director/President of PUCKidz,
As a young boy, my father gave me a love for the game of hockey. I started learning to skate when I was 6 on the frozen ponds in New York and Massachusetts. Before long, I was playing hockey with my older brothers and friends. I fell in love with the game! I continued playing through high school and always looked forward to spending summers at ice hockey camps where I learned so much about the game. During high school I also started playing the game of Lacrosse and soon realized how the skills needed for both games complemented one another.
Knowing early in life that I wanted to work in a field involving youth and sports, I attended Ithaca College, Ithaca, New York, where I graduated with a degree in Recreation Administration. I’ve always wanted to make a difference in the lives of youth by guiding, supporting and enriching their lives. For over twenty years now, I have been working with youth from elementary to high school ages in various positions involving sports, recreation, education and enrichment.
From January 1999 to June 2009, I facilitated and supervised after school programs for the City of Chula Vista/ Chula Vista Elementary School District in 33 elementary schools. I also have been coaching the Bonita Vista Barons high school hockey team since 1998. In 2013, I started a lacrosse team at Olympian High School and continue to serve as the head coach.”
Quoting one of my favorite hockey players of all-time, Wayne Gretzky, “You miss 100% of the shots you never take.” Following this philosophy, I decided to start PUCKidz. I feel that today, more than ever, there is a need for coaching in a positive environment as there is much more to sports than winning and losing. Through well-run sports programs, the participants can acquire a number of skills which can easily be transferred to whatever life situation they may face today or in the future. The PUCKidz program is dedicated to providing these avenues.
Inc. (Positive Understandable Coaching for Kidz), a non profit youth sports program. For over twenty years, I have been involved in various programs for children of all ages in the area of recreation, sports, enrichment and education.
From these experiences, I have come to realize the need for well-run sports programs in the development of the participant's self worth, and life long values. Consequently, I decided to start my own program PUCKidz and stress the importance of fair play, team work, and respect in a positive fun environment where each student can succeed and feel comfortable.
PUCKidz offers private and group lessons in roller hockey, sneaker hockey, lacrosse, tennis and more.